Convert Multi-line Fasta into Single-line Fasta

Renesh Bedre    1 minute read

Most FASTA files obtained from biological databases contain sequences in multi-line format, but some bioinformatics tools and scripts require single-line FASTA files.

You can use the multi_to_single_line() function from Python bioinfokit package (v2.1.3) for converting multi-line FASTA into single-line FASTA.

The general syntax of looks like this:

# load package
from bioinfokit.analys import Fasta

# convert multi line FASTA into single line FASTA

The above function generates an output file (output.fasta) in the same directory and contains the sequences in one line.

The following examples explain how to use the multi_to_single_line() function,

For example, if you have the following multi-line FASTA,

head eg.fasta


Now convert it to single-line FASTA using the multi_to_single_line() function

# load package
from bioinfokit.analys import Fasta

# convert multi line FASTA into single line FASTA

The single-line FASTA file (output.fasta) will be saved in the same directory.

head output.fasta


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