Python count() function for strings

Renesh Bedre    1 minute read

In this article, you will learn how to use the in-built count() function for strings to count the number of non-overlapping occurrences of characters or substrings in a given input string.

Syntax: count(substring, start, end)

substring: characters or substring to search within a given string. It is required.
start : position to start a search within a string (default is 0). It is optional.
end : position to end search within a string (default is string end). It is optional.

It returns an integer value of count

count() function is case-sensitive, and hence the count of “A” or “a” is not the same

Let’s see some examples of count() function

1. Count the number of occurrences of characters

# create any random string

In this string, count the number of occurrences of T character

# output

2. Count the number of occurrences of substring

Count the number of occurrences of TA substring

# output

Python count function

3. Count the number of occurrences of substring using start and end positions

Count the number of occurrences of TA substring starting from 6th position to end position

# in Python, index starts at 0
dna.count("TA", 5)
# output

Count the number of occurrences of TA substring starting from 6th position to 10th position

# in Python, index starts at 0
dna.count("TA", 5, 9)
# output

4. count() function is case-sensitive

Count the number of occurrences of ta substring

# output

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